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Topic: misc interior parts questions
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 13526
From: Mark Breimeister (
Date: 4/14/2004 09:52 AM

misc interior parts questions Mark Breimeister aaaprod Some of you may be aware that I am a newbie owner and therefore am a bit apprehensive in my twisting a wrench here and there on my new ('74) 112a. That being said, I need a bit of help in a few very simple interior projects.
On my flight back from AZ. to MI. we became aware that the vents needed to be closed up all over the plane. I know I need to cover up the vent under the RR seat but am wondering how to get under there. I'm not able to be a wrench on the two (maybe it is four) bolts that are the front anchors. An open end wrench will not fit in the tight confines and a socket it too tall even with a swivel. Do I start on the rear retaining bolts? Will the nut disappear as it did when I foolishly played around with the panel glare shield by removing the retaining screw only to loose the nut into the back of the panel.
Also, one of the side airvents has a broken tab and needs to be replaced (front passenger). Is Commander the best place to get one? They appear glued in (as well as screwed in). Is there any special trick to removal? I thought about simply moving a rear vent to the front as a temp. fix but since they are glued I did not want to break the seal.
One more thing, the ceiling panel adjacent to the passenger door (the piece that the little, white plastic retaining stuff pushes over to hold the ceiling panel up to the airframe) has worn down to nothing and therefore the retaining plastic has nothing to hold onto. Anyone have an idea on what to do with this problem?
Forgive these newbie questions. I normally am not afraid to turn a wrench but this is uncharted territory for me and since I cannot even move the panel glare shield without breaking it am just chicken.

'74 112a Hot Shot