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Topic: Tail mod
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 24632
From: Deleted User
Date: 2/21/2005 02:37 PM
Tail mod John Rice Johnny Vegas
Question for Robin or Sven (or anyone who knows).
Alan Wells came out to the airport with Ken and did a little pre-flight with me. We learned a bunch of stuff---thanks Alan---one thing he mentioned is that he did not see the additional row of rivets across the vertical stabilizer that would indicate that the tail mod was performed. Ken's 112B had it but another 112TC at the airport did not. Does the TCA have a different indication or was something else done at the factory? Couldn't find anything in the logs. Inquiring minds need to know.
John Rice
'77 112TCA
4641W (soon to be 112JV)
Las Vegas, NV