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Topic: Complete refurbisment AC-114
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 26472
From: Alain Desy (
Date: 3/31/2005 03:51 PM

Complete refurbisment AC-114 Alain Desy desal7752 Hello fellow owners and friends,
just rejoined the group after a couple of years of silence. remember that doc from Virginia....saw most of you at Callaway gardens and Williamsburg. Own a 1976 114...N29859 and pictures of it still in the gallery of the old site.....after trying to sell my airplane...what was I thinking!!!...decided that it is better to keep that fantastic flying machine and to refurbish it completely now, especially with low interest rate on loans.....Still will be a substantial amount of money to make it a dream machine but what the heck ..we only live once!

1200 TTAF and Engine, 2 blade propeller overhauled in February ( last annual ) but needs a lot of minor modifications and upgrades before cosmetic. I was in OKC least September and was able to visit the CAC factory ....very sad picture to see and empty hangar and shut down activities...but some of the folks were still there and hoping that some miracle would happen.....unfortunately you know the rest of the story.

First would like to do those fews mods if the parts still can be found:
- wing landing lights and main gear landing lights. Still recommended to have both done or just the main gear ones.....what would be an alternative....Boom Beam in replacement of actual landing light and main light for taxiing and landing?

- gas struts for the doors...are there still available and was the retrofit easily done or just not worth the trouble?

- enclosed tail beacon plastic and new wingtips....seems to really improve cosmetic and nav lights visibility....where can I get those so that can be installed before P&I

- need to redo the panel completely since a lot of instruments and avionics are outdated and not functioning

metal panel versus new carbon composite one....CAD/CAM since I want to put old attitude indicator and few more on co-pilot side and go with a Garmin 430 or 530 with a MFD ( MX20 or Avidyne Flightmax ), new PSI Engineering audio and possibly new Garmin Transponder. Will also put an AP, probably S-Tec 55 or 60-2 depending on availability of funds, and also install an EDM-900 or similar for engine monitoring.
That is a lot and any suggestion would be appreciated ,,especially the ones that would make me
save money or frustration.....

Then finally new paint and interior...any suggestion about where and what would be a reasonable cost for it....if someone knows of a place where everything can be done and within reasonable distance, please let me know.
So far I looked at Sparkchasers,in NC which have a good reputation for avionics and a shop at Ormond Beach ,FL for P&I ( Saltaire and Karayec ).

So any help or suggestion will be appreciated.
Looking forward to talk on the web site and to see you at some fly-in or maybe sun&Fun .

Alain Desy, MD, FACS
FVX, Virginia or