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Topic: Recommendations for Interior Shops in NE
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 31690
From: Jay Borden (
Date: 8/4/2005 12:04 PM

Recommendations for Interior Shops in NE Jay Borden jayborden This winter, when the freezing levels take away half my flyable days anyway, I'm intending to bring 43J in for a beauty treatment. Any recommendations on good Commander-specialized interior shops in the Northeast?

I've noticed on some photos that several COGgers have changed the through-the-seat retractable shoulder belt arrangement (the grommet arrangements on mine have never stuck properly in the seats, the belt never travels cleanly through the seat, the alignment of the inertial reels is poor relative to the direction of the shoulder belts, etc.). Did that require new belts and equipment, or simply a rearrangement with existing equip?

Also, with all the changes I've made to the panel, it's beginning to look like a jigsaw puzzle, with patched cutouts and gaps here and there. The original plastic cover is long gone. Anyone with experience adding a spiffy panel cover?


Jay Borden
112A, based in beautiful Manchester NH