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Topic: Plastic Rivets?, 1 Attachments
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 45072
From: Chuck Rinker (
Date: 9/7/2006 01:04 AM

Plastic Rivets? Chuck Rinker crinker Does anyone know where I can purchase some plastic rivets for the plastic interior around the trim of the windows. I have several of these small plastic rivets that when removed, about 1/3rd of them broke or don't hold as firmly as before they were removed.

I've attached a photo to show them. They are not listed (from what I could see) in the IPM.


Chuck Rinker
N4532W - '76 112TC
NuMedia Productions

Click to open!Rivets.jpg
Plastic Rivets (25,681 bytes)