Hi All,
A couple of weeks ago I needed to add some nitrogen to the nose strut. And check out the O rings. This meant removing the lower cowling.
So with the lower cowling off I decided to have a good look around, like we all do.
As we have all experienced, one thing led to another, and I now have the front end spread over five acres.
I have a large picture of Svens left wheel well on the hangar wall. This leads to all kind of problems. If you all just had crappy looking Commanders things would have been fine. you all have set the standard.
The scissors and fork are all cleaned up and have been primed. This was just to be a quick job.
Tell me about powder coating, can it be done to aluminum without the heat causing damage to the alloy. A local place can do it, although I have not checked on pricing.
I know that it can be done to steel, but not sure about aluminum.
The castings have a very poor finnish but appear structurally sound.
The rim needs work, I do not have a bead blaster. but a lot of emory cloth and time.
Any advice would be apreciated.
Ken Andrew
N377SB, '77 112B Hotshot, S/N 526