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Topic: Need seat cushion that fits between rear seats
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 5948
From: Deleted User
Date: 3/23/2003 08:52 PM

Need seat cushion that fits between rear seats Mike Wirtjes mikewir Thought I'd repost this is a conference more in line with the topic.

I'm a new Commander 114 owner (all of 1 whole week now) and am interested in acquiring a seat cushion that goes in between the two back seats. I currently have a portable oxygen system that's installed between the back seats and the arm rest folds down on top of it. I think its a cool option to have but my 5 yr. old daughter respectfully disagrees because she can't lay down and lounge back there like she did in my old plane. She's informed me that even though it is 'my plane' other people will be using it too. Needless to say, I lost the argument. So..... I can easily remove the oxygen system but that leaves a large gap between the seats and the armrest doesn't fit right. Where can I get a seat cushion piece that normally fits between these seats?
