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Topic: Seatbelt / Shoulder replacement
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 59710
From: Scott Sedam (
Date: 8/22/2007 11:40 PM

Seatbelt / Shoulder replacement Scott Sedam N4843W

Just read the article in Flying Mag. about how so many of the seatbelts out there are 20-30 or more years old (sound familia?) and if they and their attachments were thoroughly tested, many, if not most, would fail.  Just two weeks ago, Pat Murphy's mechanic who was working on my rigging, found that one of my rear seatbelt attachpoints had broken loose -- no idea how long I had been flying with that.  The article says shoulder harnesses in particular are one of the most critical safety items in a plane.  My belts look old, I'd guess original, and the harnesses not a lot better. I do have the front harnesses moved to the ceiling, which I seem to recall was an AD? My rear seat shoulder harnesses, if they ever were supposed to adjust in and out of the seats, do not now. (Are they supposed to?) So my questions:

  1. Can anyone recommend a good seatbelt company and/or refurbisher?
  2. Anyone have or seet a double shoulder harness for the front setup for a Commmander (that is the safest of all.)
  3. Any recomendations for the back shoulder harnesses?  Can those attach to the ceiling on reels like the fronts, instead of in the seatbacks?

    Scott Sedam
    N4843W, '77 114
    Willow Run (YIP)
    SE Michigan