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Topic: Replacing windows
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 5993
From: Jeffrey Greenawalt (
Date: 3/25/2003 04:59 PM

Replacing windows Jeffrey Greenawalt jgreenawalt On 1/27/2003 10:01:00 PM, Neal Dillman wrote:
>Have you received the windows
>yet? What are you going to do
>in order to get the hardware
>installed in the windows? Are
>you using the old hardware?
>Just curious, I was thinking
>about replacing some of mine.

Neal - a bit of follow-up on the windows. I was able to remove all the windows in about 3 hours, but my interior was already out, so add time for that. The rear cabin windows are held in place with retainers attached with phillips head screws. Was able to use an electric screw gun on all but 2 or 3 screws, removed the clips that the interior plastic attaches to, then the main retainers and simply pushed the window out of the frame (the sealant wasn't that thick). Suggest you number the pieces as they are removed, numbering the interior attach brackets as well as the main retainers (numbered with L or R for each side)so all goes back as it was before. The doors were just as easy, once you get all the interior plastic removed, there is a black plastic window moulding which is attached to the window by 3-M adhesive tape. The door windows are actually cemented to the door frame with sealant, but with a little effort they come loose easily enough. The windshield was actually the easiest once the lower retainer is removed (phillips head screws around the outside bottom). With the retainer off it's just a matter of some persuasion around the lower edge lifting the windshied from the side and upper channels. Be careful not to bend the metal retainer when pulling it loose, seems to go well by slowly and carefully prying it free from the sealant. The windshield will come loose if you pry/lift it up from the bottom and outward. The new windows fit well with only some very minor trimming needed.

On a 1 to 5 wrench scale I would give this project 2 wrenches, only because of all the interior items that need to be removed first. If you can use a screwdriver and aren't afraid of working with sealants, you can do this job quite handily!

Frisco, TX