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Topic: Former Glory Restored! (Via Email), 4 Attachments
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 64934
From: Chris Lio (
Date: 12/16/2007 11:37 PM

Former Glory Restored! Chris Lio chrislio

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to stick a picture of my newly refinished bird on the website.  smile   Yes, the Globe NACA dorsal fairing was a pain, and their replacement wing-tips wearn't much better, but the end result is so worth it!  The new leather interior starts going in this week.  With any luck, I'll find an A&P willing to do one of the low-cost metal panel conversions after that.  Fun, fun, fun!

Chris Lio
N953CB '77 114
Aurora,Oregon KUAO
SN 14273

Click to open!Left Wing Resized.jpg
Exterior Left (264,609 bytes)

Click to open!Right Front Elevated Resized.jpg
Right Front 2 (246,968 bytes)

Click to open!Tail Detail Resized.jpg
Tail & N Numbers (312,563 bytes)

Click to open!Right Front Closeup Compressed(1).jpg
(242,960 bytes)