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Topic: Wing Walk Revitalization
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 65505
From: Thomas Ewing (
Date: 1/1/2008 09:30 AM

Wing Walk Revitalization Thomas Ewing tewing OK, does anyone have any idea how to revitalize the wing walk area.  Let me clarify.  The paint is fine, it has just gotten very dull from years of exposure, wax getting on it, spilled coffee etc.  Looks bleached and discolored.  Hate to repaint it as the old paint is fine with good grip etc, just want to make it look black again.  On an older plane I once used amourall.  What a disaster that was!  The wing walk area looked great, but it was really slippery.  When you stepped on it, your foot kept going.  You can imagine the interesting entries and exits that made until I got the amourall off the area which is a whole different story.  Anyway, anyone have any miracle cures that darken it up and don't make it slippery?