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Topic: Dimmer Pot
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 65986
From: Kelly Grant (
Date: 1/9/2008 08:05 AM

Dimmer Pot Kelly Grant kgrant

I'm trying to make myself leave thedimmers & post lights alone on my panel.  But haven't brought myself to drill the holes yet. 

Searched around for a modern replacement  for our dimmers (which work fine), and ran across these STC'd for our Commanders:

Since my new setup has EI primary instruments, they are controlled by their own pot (which I've located  near the others). I think these are the same dimmer.

Worth $150 each? (I'm thinking 1-instruments/brow & 1-avionics), leaving the breaker dimmer alone.

Kelly Grant
77 112TCA