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Topic: It's Time for a restored Panel and Avionics Stack! (Via Email), 1 Attachments
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 66784
From: Gary McELwee (
Date: 1/26/2008 11:18 AM
It's Time for a restored Panel and Avionics Stack! Gary McELwee gsmcelwee
Please no one laugh! Attached is a photo of my panel. I think it's time to restore the panel and start the avionics upgrade process.
After looking at all of the great jobs that everyone has done on their panels by doing the work themselves, I'm inspired.
I can't financially do the avionic upgrade all at once but I can surely do the restoration of the panel as a start.
I would like gets some thoughts on my project plan! This was I was thinking. My ultimate goal is to have a (New) 430W w/GI-106A, (New) SL40, (Existing) Audio, (Existing) Transponder, and (New) JPI engine analyzer. My time frame to complete is 1 year.
1) I would prefer that I am not grounded for a long period of time. So I would like to do things in small steps.
2) Considering I am currently a VFR pilot, but hopefully will be IFR certified within a year, and N1218J is currently IFR equipped with aged components I won't mind if I need to take some components out now that I don't really use yet as part of my VFR flying.
3) I would like to take out and sell the DME, Bendix 35a VFR GPS, ADF, and CDI (LOC) with the MAC 1700 radio as step one. All of the old wiring would be removed also. At this point my stack would consist of 1 radio and CDI, audio and transponder. My backups would be a portable GPS and portable COM/NAV. Not thrilled with the backup plan but it's the best I can do at this point.
4) Take the money from the sale of the components and have a new SL40 put in and have the transponder moved to the center stack. Take out the MX170B and CDI. Earmark a spot for the 430W for a later install date.
5) Now that I know where everything is going in the center stack I start the panel restoration using the existing panel surface. Start with plastic removal, panel surface prep and then painting.
6) Install JPI engine Analyzer where the second NAV 2 CDI was. June 2008 timeframe.
7) 430W w/GI-106A install when $$$ become available in Jan, 2009.
My aged panel (1,514,215 bytes)