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Topic: newer C182s like a Chevy pick up, 3 Attachments
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 9751
From: Judi Anderson (
Date: 10/25/2003 09:26 PM

newer C182s like a Chevy pick up Judi Anderson janderson I had the pleasure of looking over a NEW 2001 Cessna 182 today. altho it was quite nice beings it's newer, here's how they have done their interiors. ..nice enough materials, but how boring, absolutely no style and nothing of any luxury ! cheesy side wedging, arm rests and appointments... door panels way too vanilla. .. think of having to constantly be looking at some big placard right in front of your elbow all the while you fly!? ..ugly. Carpet in baggage area nice, but they split it right between the feet of your rear psgrs. also the utility grade front carpet is just that... utility! Guess that's why they call them Skylanes.

Click to open!2001 Skylane int.jpg
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Click to open!2001 Skylane carpeting.jpg
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Click to open!2001 Skylane door panel.jpg
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