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Topic: Spinner polish
Conf: Refurbishment - Paint & Interior Upgrading, Msg: 9775
From: Bob Wilburn (
Date: 10/27/2003 12:45 AM
Spinner polish Bob Wilburn Bob Wilburn
I just bought some Wenol chrome polish on a recommendation while at OKC (Thanks Steve O).
On first application (by hand and rather quick), it seems to work better than anything else I've tried on my spinner. I did concentrate on one small area for a second application and a little more elbow grease. It did, indeed, remove all the water spots and shined really well.
There is a blue tube and a red tube. I got both of them and haven't determined if one is better than the other yet. Both seem to work really well.
Bob Wilburn
Baton Rouge, LA (BTR)
1976 114, N114SR