
Commander Spotlight, N114BL

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David Loose, N114BL

I "officially" started in aviation on Mary Beth's and my first anniversary in November 2005, when Mary Beth gave me a 'paper' certificate good towards initial flying lessons... enough time on Microsoft's Flight Sim! I was surprised when I signed up for the lessons at the Austin Academy of Aviation and the chief instructor asked me how long I'd been interested in flying..... I always was, and thought everyone else was too!

I did my private training in round gauge Cessna 172s, completing my checkride in June 2006. After spending the summer enjoying some flights with my wife and kids, I started my instrument training in the fall of '06, transitioning to G1000 panels in the newer C172s. Over the winter and often at night, I logged 14 hours of actual IMC, and passed my checkride in February 2007, with an FAA examiner watching my DE from the backseat!

Interested in trying new things, I transitioned to Diamond DA40s at a new FBO at Austin Bergstrom. This seemed like the ultimate plane, brand new, glass panels, amazing visibility! Mary Beth and I flew a Diamond to Taos, NM for our third anniversary... we had come a long way in two years!

I spent most of the next year frustrated by scheduling limitations, daily use minimums, trips cancelled due to plane squawks and all the hassles of renting, flying less than 20 hours. I spent many hours dreaming of buying a Diamond, and by going back to the steam gauge models, considering a partner and the stock market still moving up (or sideways!) it seemed like a real possibility. But the more I read about the Diamonds, I realized there were some real limitations here... useful load can be pretty light in some, and in a couple of years I wouldn't be able to take my family and their bags! I was also getting disillusioned by those flying the G1000, spending $10,000 to upgrade to Synthetic Vision and saying "I'd never fly without it!" Come on, flying didn't 'come of age' last year..! How about flying a plane where you are a real pilot? I wanted to train for a commercial license, but it's hard to find a retract to rent...

As the market began to decline, that dream got further and further away. In January '09 I was going to meet a pilot friend for lunch, a prospective partner, so I pulled up a search on controller.com and did a search at roughly half the price of the Diamonds, IFR w/ 4 seats. A handful of planes showed up, some nice looking Bonanzas, older 182s and one red and white Commander 114, N114BL. Everytime I looked through those pictures I came back to the Commander, and started doing some research. I joined COG and learned all I could here, putting any concerns about a plane with no current manufacturer aside. In spite of the economy, I figured "if not now, when," and Mary Beth was equally on board.

We checked out some other Commanders, but kept coming back to 114BL, and the rest is history! We now have a plane that has taken us on our longest cross country ever, to Michigan, to meet the best group of pilots anywhere! We've taken the whole family and a week of luggage to Indiana, in the same time it takes by commercial air.

Becoming a real pilot has just begun...


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